Citron & Kumquat Shrub-A-Rita


With warm weather on the way this ShrubRita is the perfect way to cool down and welcome summer! 

Citron & Kumquat ShrubRita

  • 1/2 cup fresh squeezed lime juice

  • 4 oz tequila

  • 1-2 oz Sauvie Citron Kumquat Star Anise Shrub

  • Bergamot & Orange Simple Syrup, but any simple syrup will do

  • Mixed salt and sugar rim (or whatever floats your boat) and lime wedge

Combine lime, tequila, shrub and simple syrup - shake and pour into salt and sugar rimmed glass. For the Mocktail version simply sub out tequila for sparkling water. Makes 4 servings…but who’s counting?!?!

Sascha Archer