Posts tagged Citrus
Orange Carrot Chia Fresca

Shrub shot in your freshly squeezed juice? Yes please! The best way to start your morning and get those digestive juices going!

Orange Carrot Chia Fresca

  • 8 Carrots

  • 5 Oranges

  • 2 T Sauvie Shrubs Carrot Star Anise Shrub

  • 1T Chia Seeds

  • Optional 1/2 of Ginger and/or Turmeric

Juice the fruit, veg and roots. Add Shrub and chia seeds after juicing, pour into two glasses on ice. ENJOY!

Tomatillo Shrub-A-Rita!
Tomatillo Shrub-A-Rita Shrub Recipe Cocktail Mocktail Portland Oregon

Every fall I look forward to the tomatillo harvest, not only for salsa verde, but especially for that once a year opportunity to make a Tomatillo Shrub to add to a Sauvie Shrubs version of a Margarita. This year it was Tomatillo, Pineapple & Turmeric and it did NOT disappoint. 

Tomatillo Shrub-Rita

  • 1 oz Tomatillo, Pineapple, Turmeric Shrub

  • 2 oz Tequila

  • 2 oz fresh lime juice

  • 2 oz Ginger Beer

  • 2 oz Sparkling water

  • Lime wedge and pineapple slice to garnish

Serve on the rocks. Omit the tequila and replace with more sparkling water for a refreshing non-alcoholic version.