Posts tagged Rosemary
February LOVE Shrub

February is for LOVERS and SELF LOVE. The LOVE Shrub was created with Valentine’s Day is mind and is a delightful combination of Hibiscus, Cherry Blossoms, Quince and Meyer Lemon Juice. It is delicious on its own mixed with sparkling water and also pairs well with vodka for a pretty cocktail.

Love Shrub

  • 1 oz Sauvie LOVE Shrub

  • 2 ozs Vodka or sparkling water

  • 5 ozs Ginger Beer

  • Pink lemon slices and/or candied orange slices

  • Rose petals

  • Sprig of Rosemary

  • Mix all liquid ingredients, pour over crushed ice and garnish with citrus,

    rose petals and rosemary