Posts tagged VINAIGRETTE
December's Fire Cider Vinaigrette Recipe

December’s featured ingredient is the Rosehip which grows wild alongside our property line and I forage. Rosehips are one of nature’s richest sources of vitamin C, are rich in antioxidants and support a healthy immune system. This month’s Shrub flavors are a Medlar and Rosehips Shrub (what is a medlar you ask: see below) and an Elderberry and Rosehips Fire Cider.

Medlars are a small bushy tree of the rose family that originated in Persia, Bulgaria, Turkey, and SE Asia. They have small brown apple-like fruit, which is only edible after it has begun to decay. I had to keep mine in a cold dark place for over a month until they were overly ripe and Shrub-ready! The taste is somewhat similar to stewed apple or quince with hints of cinnamon and vanilla. Delicious in a Shrub Toddy! 

I suggest using your Fire Cider as a winter warmer to combat cold and flu season. Simply add a tablespoon of it to hot water and sip! If you’re coming down with something it’s best to start taking it regularly and every day (up to 3 times daily). It also makes an excellent salad dressing (recipe below):


  • 4 Tbsp of good quality olive, avocado or pumpkin seed oil

  • 2 Tbsp Elderberry and Rosehips Fire Cider

  • 2 tsp mustard

  • 1 tsp ground pepper

  • 1 tsp dried or fresh herbs of your choice (I like dill, oregano, and thyme in mine)

  • Pinch of salt

Whisk all ingredients vigorously together and toss on your favorite mixed green salad! Also great as a marinade or finisher on roasted vegetables and or meats. 

Happy holidays to you and yours and cheers to your health!